Acupuncture and Day Spa Services
Acupuncture For Headaches
In the U.S., acupuncture is generally perceived as complementary to Western medical treatment. This alternative treatment may be effective in managing certain pain conditions, including migraine headaches. The Path To Wellness offers acupuncture for headaches to help patients find their own balance between lifestyle adjustments, medical therapies, and alternative treatments. If you have been struggling, acupuncture for headaches may provide an excellent supplement to the existing medical therapies you have tried.
What is Acupuncture?

Because headache pain may be associated with the dilation of blood vessels in the head, increasing circulation in the head may increase the pain felt. For this reason, knowledgeable acupuncturists avoid insertion points in the head, neck and upper body; instead, needles are inserted only into points on the lower body. To further minimize the dilation of blood vessels in the head, this procedure is performed with the patient in a reclining position rather than lying face downward.

How does it work?
This life force (or Ki) is the vital energy, which created the body originally and continues to keep it alive and functioning properly. As such, it has the perfect knowledge to repair it should any damage or disease occur. Disease manifests and is not cured when this life force becomes weakened to such an extent that it can no longer heal. This shows as an imbalance in the energy currents (called meridians), the pathways through which the Ki passes. The ancient masters traced these pathways and located points along them at which life energy communicates with the surface of the body. Modern science has been able to measure the electrical charge a these points, thus corroborating the locations of the life energy channels mapped by the ancients. These are the points, which are used for traditional acupuncture, moxabustion, and hand treatment.
The ancients also developed a system for determining the quality and mobility of life energy in each person. This system, which involves palpation of the six pulses on each wrist, is still used today in Oriental medical diagnosis. By means of the pulse diagnosis, the practitioner knows which channels of life energy are weak or over strong and can also monitor the effects of the treatment.
How does it work?
This life force (or Ki) is the vital energy, which created the body originally and continues to keep it alive and functioning properly. As such, it has the perfect knowledge to repair it should any damage or disease occur. Disease manifests and is not cured when this life force becomes weakened to such an extent that it can no longer heal. This shows as an imbalance in the energy currents (called meridians), the pathways through which the Ki passes. The ancient masters traced these pathways and located points along them at which life energy communicates with the surface of the body. Modern science has been able to measure the electrical charge a these points, thus corroborating the locations of the life energy channels mapped by the ancients. These are the points, which are used for traditional acupuncture, moxabustion, and hand treatment.
The ancients also developed a system for determining the quality and mobility of life energy in each person. This system, which involves palpation of the six pulses on each wrist, is still used today in Oriental medical diagnosis. By means of the pulse diagnosis, the practitioner knows which channels of life energy are weak or over strong and can also monitor the effects of the treatment.
Is Acupuncture Safe?
Does Acupuncture primarily effect the nervous system to relieve pain?
How does it work?
This life force (or Ki) is the vital energy, which created the body originally and continues to keep it alive and functioning properly. As such, it has the perfect knowledge to repair it should any damage or disease occur. Disease manifests and is not cured when this life force becomes weakened to such an extent that it can no longer heal. This shows as an imbalance in the energy currents (called meridians), the pathways through which the Ki passes. The ancient masters traced these pathways and located points along them at which life energy communicates with the surface of the body. Modern science has been able to measure the electrical charge a these points, thus corroborating the locations of the life energy channels mapped by the ancients. These are the points, which are used for traditional acupuncture, moxabustion, and hand treatment.
The ancients also developed a system for determining the quality and mobility of life energy in each person. This system, which involves palpation of the six pulses on each wrist, is still used today in Oriental medical diagnosis. By means of the pulse diagnosis, the practitioner knows which channels of life energy are weak or over strong and can also monitor the effects of the treatment.
How do most people respond to acupuncture?
How many treatments are necessary?
Is Acupuncture Effective?
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